Wednesday, November 25, 2009

last day of 1st sem

today is the last day of 1st sem in um mbbs... haha.. finish one sem already.. come another.. sigh.. time flies.. that means i grow older d..

just now was so lazy to study... thanks to my friends and also that 2 phone calls.. they really give me strength to study...

chu yee, han jun, cheng nee, qing yu... you all really good tutors le... teach me a lot.. thanks o.. just now should take picture then i can post here.. and the title of the pic will be tutor class for histo and anat... haha.. ^^

mummy called me this evening... told me not to be too stressed up.. she told me to relax.. but then.. mummy... when you told me to relax and the result is not so important after all.. i feel more stressful le.. cause i don't wanna dissapoint you.. sigh.. i know your intension is good.. but.. but.. good also la.. at least you give me the strength to study...

wanted to watch movie at 10pm.. but my friend call me and asked me to go study.. how come she know i wanna watch movie de?? after chat for 30min.. i start looking at the atlas.. and now.. is time to sleep..

bye bye.. 1st sem...

Saturday, November 14, 2009


oh my god.. it's so dangerous to write things here.. actually this blog i only use to write out all my feeling and only let people who i really close to and trust to read...

now only i know somebody else read my blog...

kee jin : don't tell anybody... if not i'll really kill you...

it's so dangerous.. next time must not write till too much liao.. if not sure will get myself in trouble... sigh... ~~

Sunday, November 8, 2009

new start

a new start.. haha.. dunno what happen to my old blog.. can't open liao...

this is the new one.. symbolize a new life.. hope that this new blog will be full with happy and exciting story.. not like the old one.. ^^

today didn't study.. tomorrow conass sure fail liao... haha.. mummy sure say stay in um also no use.. daddy sure say i got boyfriend.. dating didn't study.. this time siao liao.. @@